
Maturity Quiz

Discover where you are in the Observability landscape, your achievements today and your next steps, using our unique Maturity Model.

A little about you

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Submit Details

Yes, yes, very clever. Just scroll on past.

For the time it takes you to work around the form, you could just fill it in.

What data does your company collect today?

RUM, Logs, Metrics & Traces

Logs, Metrics & Traces

Logs and/or metrics


How do you collect your data?

Open Telemetry / Fully Open Source

Vendor Specific Agent(s)

Custom Solution

Lots of solutions

Next Question

Do your logs follow a consistent format, i.e JSON?

All logs are structured

Some are structured

There is no consistency

N/A - We have no logs

Next Question

Do you monitor your infrastructure?

Yes, with metrics & logs

Yes, with only metrics

No, we don't observe infra

Yes, using the cloud console

Next Question

Do you define & automatically track SLOs?

Various SLOs automatically tracked

We manually calculate SLOs from data

No, we don't define SLOs

Some of our services have SLOs

Next Question

Do you have an alerting policy & clear routing?

Yes, across our entire system

Yes, across the critical parts of our system

We have a few alerts

We only have infrastructure / basic alarms

Next Question

Are your alerts useful?

Our alerts aid proactive monitoring & auto-remediation

Our alerts aid proactive monitoring

Our alerts are noisy but important for investigations

Our alerts are very unreliable and we don't use them much

Next Question

Do you know how an outage impacts your customer?

Yes, we track this automatically

Yes, with some manual calculation

We usually are informed by our customers

No, we have no way of linking an issue to customer impact

Next Question

Do you know how your operations impact revenue?

Yes, we track this automatically

Yes, with some manual calculation

Not exactly, but we have some sense of the impact

No, we have no way of linking operations to revenue

Next Question

Do you get good ROI for your data?

Yes, and we measure this continuously

Yes, but only checked periodically

We're a little concerned about ROI and spend

We're paying way too much for our observability

Next Question

Your Score


Your Maturity Model Rating

Level ?

No, you can't just skip the survey and see your rating. The rating is based on your input. Go and fill out the form, it's like 10 questions and we promise that if you hang out with us at Reinvent, there's some very nice swag in it for you.

Your Observability Fingerprint:

Want to take your Observability to the next level?